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If an hypotetical third invasion would have followed the same pattern of the previous two, the Mongol would lose again. Logistically, having a Cody Jinks March 2024 Shirt based army crossing the sea is a nightmare, and this force the Mongol to follow a predictable route to land at the Hakata bay, twice. And despite their strenght, they weren’t able to make any significant victory in Kyushu, but suffered several defeats. So even by a tactical point of view, when the Mongols didn’t have an obvious numerical advantage, they lost all of their battles, like at Akasaka, Torikaigata or Mikuriya. The role of the kamikaze has been overblown by the defeated mongols and by the japanese clergy; in the first invasion, there is no mention in japanese sources of any storm, and in the second one, it was a final blow to an already defeated army.


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Glioblastoma (GBM). GBM is the most Saint Patrick Straight Goated shirt and most aggressive brain cancer. It’s highly invasive, which makes complete surgical removal impossible. And because of the blood-brain barrier (BBB), it doesn’t respond to any chemotherapy. The standard-of-care entails multiple rounds of surgery and radiotherapy, yet the five year survival is lower than 5%. Pancreatic cancer (PDAC). PDAC is a notoriously stubborn cancer. The only effective treatment is a very painful and very complex operation called “the Whipple procedure”. However, only 20% of patients are eligible for such operation. And even for those lucky patients, only 20% survived more than five years. For the rest majority of patients, the chance of survival is negligible, because PDAC hardly responds to any form of chemotherapy or radiotherapy. The five year survival overall is 6%.

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